Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dog Ribbons?

What the hell is this nonsense?

Personally I find this ridiculous! Our society has de-evolved so much we cannot even respect another person's space and property (dogs are technically property) without some kind of visual REMINDER like a ribbon.

Because goodness forbid now days that parents teach their kids that it's impolite and DANGEROUS to rush a strange dog without the owner's permission, right? Or even know this lesson themselves.

I can't count the number of times I've had both children AND adults rush my pets when I've had them out and about. It's a darn good thing all of my pets are heavily socialized and eager to meet new people (with the exception of our Boxer), but it could be such a dangerous situation.

On a related note, why is it so hard to keep your own pet under control? Your dog should *not* be rushing out at me when I am walking my own dog. No yellow ribbon is going to stop that! And for owners who allow their dog to drag them into the space or another dog or pet, well, there's a special place in my mind for you!

If you're going to take the responsibility of another living creature, then it's YOUR job to have control and to teach him or her proper etiquette on meeting other animals.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, from a person who hates it when someone allows their dog or children to rush at myself and my dog while out for a walk, parents should ALWAYS teach their children not to approach a strange dog without asking the owner for permission first... it's dangerous for the child or dog to do this. We should all appreciate another's need for personal space. And yes, to those who don't get the concept, dogs deserve personal space too.
