Saturday, January 30, 2010


One thing I'm sure many of you who know me have noticed is my mood swings. Part of it is physiological, but my moods are often influenced by outside variables, as with most people.

Today I was mulling over the big one for me. The weather. I am as "cold-blooded" as it gets. I detest the cold with a passion, and thrive in the heat. And so, my mood for the day often reflects the current weather.

When it's cold, I am miserable. I can be surly, snappy, and mean. Part stems from the fact I cannot sleep when I am cold. Strange, but that's the way it is. I become upset, edgy, and terribly unhappy when its too cold for me to be comfortable.

On the other hand, give me 110 degree Texas heat and I am in my element. Cheerful, happy, and generally in an all round good mood. I get stuff done, I sleep good, and things just seem to fall into place.

So it's no wonder that I rarely get anything done in Winter. I detest it and constantly look forward to the Summer again. You can always tell when the Fahrenheit has dropped by my attitude, that's for sure.

Other things that influence me can be how I'm woken up. If someone wakes me up poorly, boy can that put me in a right mood for the entire day. This one isn't quite so bad anymore, as I've overcome this certain one, but it still has a bearing on my entire day.

So what about you? What puts you in a bad mood? What puts you in a good mood?

ChaCha for now!


  1. I'm right there with you. Weather has a big impact on my mood as well. In the winter, I'm pretty crabby. Summer, I'm high as a kite.

    Other mood factors (although weather is my #1 spot)- a) my husband's mood for the day. b) my ridiculous inlaws actions and comments c) my internet connection lol

  2. Haha yeah! If my internet is not working, I'm bound to be very grouchy!

  3. I had SAD, seasonal depression. It is hard, but at least I know the weather is what is making me cranky and not really anything else!!
