Friday, April 23, 2010


Today my friend dropped off a little doeling named Indy, in exchange for a future kid.

Sweetest little doeling you ever laid eyes on. She freshened her first time with triplets, so I'm really looking forward to putting her with Roadhouse Blue and seeing what she produces.

But the really interesting part of this is that I didn't tell hubby! Hahaha!

I know, it's bad of me, but I'm doing a sort of experiment here. I want to see how long it takes Steven to notice there is an extra goat in the pen!
Steven does go out from time to time to pet the goats and give them treats, so I guess it just depends on how much he's paying attention.

A few friends of mine and I have a betting pool going on how long it takes him. I was very pessimistic and locked in at a week or more! What do you guys think?

On a very positive note, I will be bringing home a dream next month. It's taken some searching and some working, but I will be bringing home a Welsh pony on May 8th. A pony of my very own. What a joy.

I hope and plan to share this joy with some young girls in the neighborhood, daughters of my friends, who are at that age where they really could use someone they can confide in. When I was their age, I would have given anything for a friend who had a pony I could love on, so I will be doing my best to share this gift with them.

Keep checking back for more updates on this situation, and to hear when Steven notices Indy's in the pen!

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