Sunday, September 9, 2012

Stop it stop it STOP IT

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Oh god, how my blood pressure rose when a friend linked me this add. No, 

Stop this! Why on earth would anyone want to do this? Why does it still happen?

Look people. Some of you may or may not know that I have extensive experience with exotic mammals. Wolves first and foremost. I have lived with them, handled them, raised them. I have studied their behavior for an immense multitude of years. I have even been part of games where we play as wolf characters.

Wolves are not PETS. They are NOT DOGS. They do NOT belong in a home. 

Meet Princess Winterhawk. 

Princess was the best friend I ever had. She was born when I was ten years old and stayed with my a short six years until her untimely death. She slept in my bed and we logged many many miles together. She was *only* 32% percent Canis lupus.

And she was NOT A DOG. And could not be contained or handled like one. 

Let me break it down for you. Even with this low percentage wolf mix, I needed eight foot fencing to keep her contained. Hot wire at top and bottom or she WOULD go over or under it. She could not be chained - she broke several. 

She had a prey drive - no prey type animal was *ever* safe around her. She mistrusted strangers and could have bitten someone if I was not as careful and experienced as I was. She was very smart, but the kind of smart that makes it harder to train her to exhibit behaviors that many dogs will fall over themselves to learn and preform for you. 

Never again will I raise or keep a wolf or wolf mix. In fact the list of exotic mammals I would keep again is very short, and I am an *experienced* keeper. 

The people breeding these are disgusting. Any fool off the street could walk up and buy one of these wolf mix puppies for $200. How long until there is another story in the news about a "vicious" wolf "hybrid" attacking a child or person or the neighbor's pets. 

You will never hear me lobby for laws *against* the keeping of exotic animals, but you can be damned sure I think there should be far stricter regulations on who gets to keep them and there should be regulations even stronger on who is allowed to breed them, and why. 

Please excuse me while I go have a breather, before I pop a vein in my poor overtaxed brain.


  1. I couldn't agree more! Wish more people felt the same way!

  2. Yeah... I've had a couple of people local to me ask recently what I "know" about Wolf Hybrids. It always gives me heart palpitations. They are amazing animals but are NOT a "pet". Some of the people are wonderful nice folks, but they struggle with their current house dog's behaviour issues. How are they going to handle a wolf hybrid in a way that won't be bad for them AND for the animal? If you are at your wits end because you can't get your domestic dog to stop barking all day while you are at work how are you going to handle the behaviours of a hybrid who is stressed because he has to spend half the day separated from his "pack"??

    But some people never learn that you can love and admire something without possessing it. So they want to "have" a wolf. GR.

  3. Thanks for reading, guys! Glad you enjoyed and can see my point :)
