Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Forbidden Pets

Every year I come across stories about someone who has gotten a pet, be is chickens, a goat, a miniature horse, so forth and so on, only to "discover" that these animals are not allowed in their neighborhood/city.

Cue the news reporters swooping in, the forum posts, the Facebook pages, all based on fighting the "man" in an effort to keep their pets.

You know what I don't get?

Why not do the research BEFORE you get the animals?

I just do not understand. So many people will rally around the "unfortunate" owners and sign petitions and write letters in an effort to help the owners. They will blast the city/neighborhood and yell at the top of their lungs about how unfair it is.

All the while I'm sitting there with a frown, wondering why the responsibility of double checking your local ordinances is not even considered.

Look people. If you want to get a new pet, make sure you're allowed to keep it before you run out and bring it home. Don't bring it home and then kick up a stink when you get reported for BREAKING THE LAW.

You damn idiots. Personal responsibility - where has it gone?


  1. I agree 100%. All the time, and energy (not to mention sometimes the cost)that goes into fighting an ordinance that someone was too dumb to read beforehand could be used for a more worthy cause.
