Let me use my personal example. I have internet. Until recently, it was very good, reliable internet.
Then we had that cold snap. And ever since, our internet has acted like crap. It times out, disconnects, has constant errors and is just generally acting poorly.
Which I cannot have, since I work online.
I have called the company several times to ask them to fix it. Twice they put in a "Trouble Ticket" and assured me someone would call back to go over the issue.
Did anyone ever call back?
Hell no.
So tomorrow I will be calling and really letting loose on them. I have a lot of patience with people, because it is certainly not THEIR fault my internet is not working, but this time I am going to ask for a supervisor and really get this fixed. It is imperative that my internet works, both for my peace of mind and because I work online!
On that same basic subject, I've applied for a "real" job. Still a work at home, but this time with permanent hours and a "real" paycheck. I've sent in my application and hope to hear back soon. Fingers crossed, as this could be our salvation.
Hallie's limp has really improved, I really got into those hooves and got them looking better and have been treating the hoof rot. Looks like we caught it before it became bad. I'm glad to see her looking even better. It does not appear that she is pregnant, so with good luck, she will be ready to breed to the lovely buck I have lined up for the end of the year.
I have a new picture of our future LGD. Isn't she cute?
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