Sorry I didn't post for a couple of days!
Today's post should be pretty good, hopefully. I dunno, it might be boring. I guess it's up to you!
Let's start with today.
The weather! It sucks! Good ol "bi-polar" Texas. We had nice weather, then rain, then a day of nice weather, and now rain again. Ugh! I hate it! The goats hate it! The dogs hate it!
My roof still leaks, so it just makes me angry when it rains over and over again. It turns our road to slush and then the morons in their trucks tear it up worse. Plus its cold. Which means we have to run the heaters. Which means our electric bill will jump.
On a positive note, today we decided to try shopping at Albertson's instead of HEB.
We literally saved $62.58! We spent about $68 dollars and got almost twice the worth of meat and groceries. The meat savings and specials were AMAZING!
Now I admit, the prices on other things were a bit high, but that's fine with me. I'll get my meat at Albertson's and get everything else at HEB. Win!
We also stopped by Big Lots and Ross'. We got snacks at Big Lots for really cheap, and got Steven some nice shoes at Ross' for a good price. He goes through shoes so fast. It's crazy. But these are really nice boots and should last a little longer than his normal shoes.
I hope!
Yesterday Baby decided to teach herself a new trick. I had been teaching her to stand on her high legs for fun, as she's very attention driven and it was cute. Well, she decided it wasn't quite fun enough and started leaping from the log into my arms. It's quite amusing. Check out the video I put together!
Too cute, am I right? I'm sure I'll end up regretting teaching her such a trick, but I've spoiled her. I guess that's why I've avoided bottle-babies until now!
I think Rudy settled on her last breeding, not for sure yet, but if she did I'm glad. She didn't settle when she was supposed too last year with Buckly, so I let her visit with a neighbor's buck, and I think she may have taken now. If not, she'll get another chance at the end of the year when I lease Chestnut for the entire herd.
If she doesn't take? Well, I guess nothing will happen as she's hubby's goat. He picked her out and named her. So I guess she'll continue to be placed with the bucks and stay, burning hay. If it was any other goat (with the exception of Hallie, our rescue doe) she'd be gone to a good pet home, but alas, it's hubby's goat.
And it does help she's a gentle little sweetheart with a goofy personality.
The rest of the herd is doing well. Poor little Isis is such a tiny little thing, she's nearly the same size as the four-five week old babies! She's going to be our smallest doe I think, probably even smaller than Rudy.
I have my eye on two gorgeous does; a black and white blue eyed doe and her kid, a roan buckskin with blue eyes. The owner very kindly agreed to hold them for me until the doe weans her other two kids. By then I'll have my tax money and I had promised myself some new does. And I have always wanted the black and white blue eyed combo! Really looking forward to her!
The same with the goat(s) I will get for my work on River Bottom Ranch's website. I can't wait to take a trip out there.
There's been some issues on the online game I play, a few things that have really thrown me off my "groove" but hopefully it will settle in soon. I don't like it when things become rough.
No word back on the nice job I applied for. I suppose I didn't make the cut. A shame, because it would have been a huge help. I guess I'll just keep on doing the ChaCha until the company screws the cash paid guides enough that I quit.
By then I'm thinking my brother will be working, and can contribute to the house. We were going to take him to get his license tomorrow but since the weather is disgusting we're postponing it a bit.
I think that's it for now.
Talk to you guys soon.
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