These were the pictures e-mailed to me by the wonderful breeder at River Bottom Ranch. I am doing some work for her in exchange for a buckling from her milk lines.
So far, this is the only buckling born at her ranch and he is just absolutely gorgeous.
He was born on Valentine's Day and so far she is calling him Mr Blue.
My eyes just about popped out of my head when I saw him, I tell you. She had teased me earlier, telling me she had a blue-eyed buckling born, the likes of which she had never seen before. And then proceeded to lose her camera!
Needless to say I was on the edge of my seat waiting for these, and it was worth the wait!
I am not 100% certain if she is going to allow me to take this fellow as my payment for the work I've done, but I'm hoping this is the case! Why else would she send me these stunning pictures, after all, right?
As you can imagine, I can hardly wait to make this fellow part of the herd. And he'll be ready to try out his new job with my younger does early next year I'm hoping.
With luck, I will be adding a second buck shortly after, so I can have two clear bloodlines to breed too.
Needless to say I headed over there, around 9PM at night, and got some flashlights and helped her husband search for the baby or babies. After about an hour, he finally called to me that he found it!
I was very relieved and we came back to the house to reunite the mother and kid. My friend was ecstatic to see that it was a beautiful little chamois doeling. Just a beautiful little creature that looked like a little rabbit hiding in the woods. And so they christened her "Bunny."
A suitable name, in my opinion.
And a final tidbit for tonight: The aforementioned bottle-baby of K-n-S Farm has officially been renamed.
Her new name?
K-n-S Farm Ninja.
Don't you laugh! This little monster can and has found a mysterious way of getting out of the pen, despite my best efforts. Perhaps she levitates over it. She gets out in the morning whenever she feels I've slept long enough, and runs to the front porch to yell at my window, demanding I get up and feed everyone.
She also has perfected the wall jump. She runs as fast as she can, leaps onto the wall, springs off, and lands perfectly. Quite a sight to see. So her new name is Ninja.
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