Still keeping an eye on the situation with the mortgage company. They get one week before I call and "inquire" about it again.
We brought home our LGD! We've named her Rogue, and she is a right clever little thing. She already has a solid foundation on recall, and I've worked with her a little each day.
She has already graduated to spending a lot of time IN the goat pen. Yes, in with the evil head honchos, Rudy and Hope. They were not pleased of course, but amazing what a few squirts of water in the face will teach a goat.
Sure enough, they started ignoring her, and the youngsters of course could care less. They'll eat right next to Rogue.
So that's working out really well. I am really pleased with her.
America and Isis are nearly back to their old selves. I keep a hawk eye watch on them and make sure everything is going alright. The only conclusion I and others could come to was that the weather changes were upsetting their systems. I pray that their problems are coming to an end.
A very good friend and breeder of mine is selling out her herd now. I am extremely sad for her, and hope that things get better. She offered me first pick, and I decided to take a very beautiful yearling Nubian she has. We fell in love with this girl on a visit to her house, and I couldn't pass her up.
Sure, its a large breed, but she is disbudded and very gentle. I look forward to seeing out it works out.
I am looking forward to making a trip up north soon, to another breeder's home. The breeder of Romeo no less! She's invited me and my neighbor friend and goat breeder to come up and spend a couple of days. She has a beautiful ranch and I am really excited to go.
I haven't been on a trip separate from Steven in a very long time, if ever. I seriously don't remember ever being apart from him for recreational purposes. But I imagine he'll live, don't you?
I'll have to show my brother how to milk poor Hope though! I think he can manage it.
Speaking of my brother, he has an interview at Steven's work, yipee! Fingers crossed all goes well.
On a final note, I'm fairly certain I felt kids moving in Rudy today. Looks like April showers bring May kids.
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