Thursday, February 23, 2012

Recognizing Oppertunity

It's a strange thing, that many people do not recognize opportunity when it comes "knocking."

I, on the other hand, have lived my entire life looking for opportunity, and pouncing on it like a starved wolf when they come along.

So just how important is it, I wonder? For some, it might not be all that important at all. Perhaps you are content with your life and the way things are. You don't feel the need to take a risky venture into something new, or to take advantage of things that might come along your way.

Or you could be like me, always on the look out for some new way to gain something. Be it money, friends, material items, knowledge....

It's odd, too, how it can sometimes be presented. Take my new business relationship with the goat dairy. It would NOT have started if, over a year ago, I hadn't been bold enough to suggest a bartering - a new website for them in exchange for a new goat for me. And even then, another opportunity presented itself this past year, when I procured two new goats from them that ran away. It was because of those naughty goats that I spent so much time with the owners of the dairy and became friends. From there, I was invited over to do a bit of work in exchange for a small profit (fresh turkey meat!) and then it just continued to grow.

Sometimes it can be difficult to recognize these new paths. Sometimes you stop in front of a door, metaphorically speaking, and are not sure how to open it. Other times, you hold the key in your hand and don't even know it.

The only advice I can give is to be bold and to be honest. These two key elements can often unlock doors that you might have believed were sealed closed.

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