So sorry my friends, but no thought provoking post today, just a nitty-gritty ranting post because something caught the edge of my irritation. Better that I let it out here!
People need to keep their damn judgmental thoughts to themselves. How *dare* you make assumptions about me and my life. It's not like I ever make any effort to hide things, or gloss over issues in my life. I am open and honest and I revel in what I have created to be MY life.
You want to judge me? Go right ahead. It only shows your ignorance and your foolishness.
While you do that, keep in mind, I have created my world on my own. I don't have parents or family to run to when I need help. There is NO ONE out there that is obligated in any way to help my little family. When our truck breaks down, our roof gets ripped off, our pets get sick, there is very very few people we can call on to help us, and even less that we would actually feel comfortable doing so.
No, we take care of OUR problems OURSELVES. No mommy or daddy or uncle or aunt to loan us money, or give us a helping hand. We buckle down, hold on tight, and ride it out. And we generally keep a good humor about it too.
It just chaps my ass that someone would make a comment about something, and then turn around and talk about how something happened but it was okay because their mommy or daddy bailed them out. Are you even an adult? We barely even talk to our parents in my family, for numerous reasons, and extended family? Forget about it! We paid THAT debt long ago, more than paid it, and suffered for it as well.
So much for the "goodness of family."
My birthday looms next month. I will be twenty-six years old, still a youngster. And yet I have my own house, my own land. I am a successful goat raiser. I have luxury pets, including horses. We have our own truck. My husband is a manager of a small town grocery store. We not only care for ourselves, but my brother as well. We have *no* debt.
Yeah, that really fits the bill for "irresponsible" doesn't it. You want to know why I have all of this? Because I didn't waste my time doing bullshit, or expecting mommy to wipe my ass for me. I dug in, rose from oppression, rose above the drug abuse going on in my family, the toxic situations, the trash dragging us down, and I made it happen.
I believed in myself, in my husband, in MY family, and I made it happen.
Can YOU make it happen?
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