Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Journey Begins

So I've decided to give blogging another go. Let's see how it works out on a more professional website, and not some ridiculous journal website.

My new blog will focus on many things, but will revolve around my goats, my little farm, my work, and family life. Nothing too exciting, but it has its moments.

I also look forward to exposing important topics that relate to my life, and hope you don't mind sifting through my often complicated thought process.

Let's start off, shall we? Get to know me a bit more.

My name is Kristina, and I have been called the Goat Whisperer. I keep and raise a few Nigerian Dwarf Goats. These are a miniature dairy breed. I hope to add other breeds in the near future, standard milkers, and try my hand at making soap and cheese.

I also will be adding poultry to our little farm again soon. We have a few chickens, but will be gearing up to give quail another shot this spring. I don't know if I will do ducks again, but I may add a small group of laying chickens.

I'd like to garden as well, but I'm notorious for killing plants. Heck, I've had fake plants die because I forgot to pretend to water them.

I'm married, coming on three years now. We've been together over seven now. Feels like forever and none at all, you know? Right now my brother stays with us as well.

We recently bought the ugliest house I have ever set eyes on. It has its moments, and it has its problems. I'll be detailing our advancements into making it a true home on here.

We have the "normal" pets as well, four dogs and a cat. An old grouchy bearded dragon as well. They should make appearances in the blog.

Look forward to my first posts. I plan on detailing an incident that happened recently in my little goat world, with the first published pictures of the result of that.

Let's see how this goes, shall we?

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