As you may remember reading, (or not, I can't always remember what I've wrote about), I have started doing art again.
Mostly painting. Painting models. Breyer horses have been my main base so far, but I've done a couple of other models as well.
The blog picture today is a plastic goat I've just finished. I thought it turned out pretty good, I painted it to look like my favorite doe, Hope.
What do you think? It's just a cheap plastic goat, but I found it with a group of Breyer bodies and figured, why not? Especially since it's pretty close to scale for my Traditional Breyers, so the newly painted Hope goat fits right in. I'm rather pleased with it.
My husband came home clutching a Wal-mart bag and produced from it a package of higher quality brushes and a bottle of glitter turquoise paint. He brandished these offerings at me with an air of gleeful excitement.
What else could I do but grin? Sure, most horses and goats don't come in shades of turquoise or glitter, but he was so delighted with his find, it was infectious. How can you resist that kind of support and dedication from your significant other?
So I pulled a unicorn Paddock Pal Breyer from it's package and it's getting a deco-style repaint. I wonder how it will turn out?
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