Let's get it right out in the open shall we?
I fully support horse slaughter.
Horses are livestock. They are marvelous wonderful animals, but they don't shit rainbows and they don't fart butterflies. They are animals.
The first thing I'm going to address is the ridiculous notion that it's "okay" to slaughter other livestock, ie cattle, chickens, pigs, goats, but for some reason, it's NOT OKAY to slaughter horses.
Anyone care to explain this to me?
I'm sorry, but anyone who eats meat but is against horse slaughter is a hypocrite. Slaughter is slaughter, no matter WHAT animal is being killed. You can't raise one form of life above others. They are all living creatures. If you're okay eating your cheeseburger or fried chicken, then by all rights you should be okay with horse slaughter.
I'm not saying anyone should be forced to eat horse, of course. I don't eat fish. Does that mean I'm against commercial fishing or fish raising? Hell no. Eat that fish up! I just don't like the taste of fish. But I'll tell you one thing. I do like the taste of horse.
Whoops, was that a Facebook "defriend" I just heard going off?
Then we get the people who stare at your with their jaws hanging like dopes, then manage to stutter out something ridiculous. For example, I had one jackanape tell me that *I* was a hypocrite if I wouldn't eat *my* horses.
I keep goats. I love my goats. I am the Goat Whisperer. I prefer not to eat my pet goats. I didn't eat my pet chickens. I wouldn't eat my pet horses.
But I sure as heck raised some meat goats, meat chickens for myself, butchered, and ate them. They were delicious. And if I had the room and set up? Sure I'd raise up a foal to eat. Yup, you heard that right.
Meat = meat.
But let's cover, briefly, the other repercussions of horse slaughter.
THIS is what has begun to happen.
No longer will a horse fetch a half ass decent price at the auction. No, now if you dare go to the auction with your horse trailer, you're likely to come outside to some new horses inside of it. Or someone opens your gate and dumps horses in your pasture.
Because they can't afford to feed them, and there's no where else for them to go. You'd think they'd shoot the poor beasts in the head, but even then, some people can't afford to dispose of the body, or have no way too.
Some of you might bleat that breeders should stop breeding then. Yeah . . . good luck with that. Most backyard breeders have their heads so far up their asses they can't even begin to fathom there is no longer a market for meat man babies. So they keep breeding. Like my idiot neighbors.
And more horses starve in the fields . . .
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