I personally do not celebrate Christmas, so I spent the day getting things done. Yesterday I cooked a ham and potato salad so that we would have some nice leftovers today and I wouldn't need to cook.
I played with the ponies and goats a bit, checking feet and making sure everyone is feeling fine. We've been having a lot of RAIN lately. I'm ever so grateful for it, even if the mud is starting to get a bit deep! Our grass is trying hard to grow. I've got half the pastured section off from the horses. I'm hoping if I keep them off of it into Spring, it will grow back and turn into pasture again. Fingers crossed!
After I came inside, I decided to go ahead and process some of the rabbits, since the wind had died down. I did three: the older male and two of the younger females, leaving an older female and young female to do possibly tomorrow.
I set them in cold salted water for a couple of hours, then removed the hind legs and set them aside to freeze, and put the bodies in the freezer. Can't wait to cook one!
If you wish to see the processed rabbits, click > Here <.
I've gotten a lot of painting done here lately. I finished a commission piece and have one other half way done. A couple of orders waiting on models and I'm doing some personal pieces: Apple and Spyder. Lots of fun!
Looking forward to the New Year. Be sure to check back soon!
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