One doe has been found!
It turns out, the silly creatures went at LEAST a mile that very first night. The red doe, pictured on this post, got herself pinned in a shed by dogs. The dog owners rescued her and penned her up.
They finally asked at the local feed store, where I had left my information, then called me. I'm glad I thought of that. So the goat, newly named Gypsy, has come home.
Her escape route has been blocked and she has stayed in the pen. Since she no longer has her sister Yumi, I gave her April as a companion and she seems to be settling down now. She appears to be in good shape, except a little thin from stress. She's a bit shy as well, but runs right to me if she thinks I have something yummy, and will allow me to pet and handle her.
She's pregnant, due in February. I'm fairly sure I felt some kids in there! And she has begun to grow her udder. So she'll be the first one here to kid. Since her kids will be purebred and unrelated to any bucks I currently use, I may retain a doeling. You can see the buck she is bred to on the breeding schedule of our website.
We still have hope that we might find Yumi, but as each day goes by, the likelihood decreases. At this point we're just calling around and leaving the information where ever seems hopeful. You never know what might help.
The support from the community has been great, thanks guys. It's a good reminder of what a great group of online friends I have. And it's nice to make new friends. The breeder of these does is a great example of what I might be in 25 years! She's been hugely helpful, helping me search and calling around as well. She brought me some goat meat and is butchering a turkey for me as well. She also found someone with rabbits who needs to do a cull, so I will have some nice rabbits to butcher here soon.
In this world, banding together is the only way some families will make it. Put aside material items and remember the REAL needs in life!
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