Sunday, April 18, 2010


I apologize for the long hiatus! Things have just been really busy and I hadn't had a chance to update.

The trip to North Texas went really awesome! I had a great time. New pictures of Romeo can of course be seen on the website, and there is a short video of me riding Uncle Dan on my youtube.

I have since brought home the two Harlequin Nigerian Dwarves, a dam and her January daughter, home. They are both blue eyed and just stunning. The doe has a magnificent udder, which I will be letting fill tonight.

My neighbor has gotten a new buck, blue-eyed and moonspotted. Can hardly wait to use him at the end of the year.

Keep an eye on the website for a major update, adding the new does, changing some breeding information, and just a general clean up.

Rudy may or may not be pregnant, still not for sure on her. She doesn't seem to be growing an udder and has me a bit frustrated. I want to wring her precious little neck.

Chicken eggs in the incubator, and they are due around April 26th. I candled and saw some definite growth and movement, so check back to see the chicks.

All else is well, I apologize again for the long delay in posts and will be making an effort to keep up better.


  1. Pictures! Pictures! lol

    What type of incubator do you have? I've got another hatch set myself.

  2. Pictures can be seen on my Facebook so far, and I promise within the next few days there will be new pictures on the website!!

    I have a Brisnea Eco 20. Best small incubator I've ever owned, and I've owned a lot!
