Saturday, October 15, 2011

Unwelcome Advice

Fair warning, this one is going to end up a little ranty. But everyone loves a good rant, right?

You know what I can't stand?

People who can't keep their damn mouths shut.

Now, in this particular situation, I'm talking about people who don't agree with the way you do things, and insist on making their own opinion heard.

I'm not against speaking up if someone is doing something just plain wrong, or is doing something dangerous.

But there is no way in hell I would argue with someone who does something differently than I do.

Let's make it a little more clear and use a few examples so you can understand better.

Let's say you want to wean your colt. You decide to gradually seperate, a few hours a day, increasing time apart, before removing the mare altogether. The mare and colt have time to get used to being apart and begin to accept it. Many people prefer this method of weaning.

Some people, like myself, generally wean cold turkey. We take away the mare one day and they don't see each other again for a good long time.

Both have their pros and cons. My way is right. So is the other way. Neither are wrong. They are just different ways of doing the same thing. What works for one colt may not work for another.

So why in the world would someone come walking in with a condescending tone and tell you you're doing things wrong. And proceed to tell you how THEY do things.

Are you joking me??



So what if I wether my goats by banding? Just because you use the scapel does not make me wrong. Keep your opinion to yourself unless I ask for it!

Part of staying good friends with someone who works with the same animal you do, be it goat, horse, dog, is learning to keep your mouth shut. Just because I would handle a situation different doesn't mean I should open my big mouth when my friend is handling her horse. That's a good way to lose a friend real quick, that's for sure.

Of course, at the same time, you have to be open to asking for advice when you need it. Or capable of discussing different techniques without getting your panties in a twist.

But for the most part, if they don't ask for your advice and they're not hurting themselves or the animal, keep your trap shut. Just because it's different doesn't make it wrong.

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