Wednesday, May 30, 2012


One thing that some people love, and some people hate, is the lack of accountability the internet provides.

To most people, the internet is a forum to post anonymously and say whatever you like. To post what you like. To perhaps write things you would never say out loud. To be "hidden."

Of course, this sense of security is false, especially when placed against those of us more experienced with ferreting out information.

However, the majority of people feel safe posting some pretty interesting things. Behaving differently than they would online. A whole world is out there where, if you're clever enough, you can be whoever and whatever you like.

Then the problems start. Where is the accountability? Even when those of us who are a bit more clever when it comes to unraveling the depths of the internet, HOW can we hold someone accountable for their words and actions?

Sometimes, we must go forth and dig up more information on someone. Or we have to continuously remind someone who has done something amiss that we as a community have *not* forgotten, will *not* forget.

Sometimes this is the *only* way for someone to be held accountable. If we allow it to "disappear" into the depths of the internet, the person is allowed to wipe away bad deeds and proceed on, feeling justified in their neglect, because no one can "do" anything about it.

Will someone learn a lesson from it? 99% of the time, no.

But that 1%...that ONE PERCENT who stops and goes, "Man...I really did wrong. My behavior and attitude were wrong." THAT is what makes it worth it.

I've been online since nearly the beginning of easily acquired home based internet. I have "seen" many many things, been a part of a massive multitude of forums and chats, still am even!

I have seen that 1%. I have, in my time, BEEN part of that 1%. It's very hard to come back and say, "I was wrong."

But those who come back and do it are worth ten times the 99% in my eyes.

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