Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Not Enough Negativity?

Anyone who reads my blog knows what a big supporter I am of positive thinking, and how I implement it in my own life.

But is too much positive thinking a negative thing?

Sure, it sounds like a contradiction, but I had a bit of a revelation that has been brewing in the back of my mind, and connected it with other things I believe to bring you this new blog post.

I live with my husband and brother. Both are bull-headed young men with a lot of attitude. Most of the time they get along great, but sometimes they butt heads. During these times, I've learned to step away. Yesterday was one of those days, and frustrated and angry with their apparent inability to get along, I walked away and took a stroll down the road for a bit.

While I was walking along, I was angry at them, and upset that I didn't have a "normal" family like others do. A moment later, I was overcome with self-loathing for my thoughts. How dare I think such things. How dare I be ungrateful for what I have.

Shocked at my own thoughts, I stopped and rolled back the thoughts I was having. Was it wrong to be upset? Was it wrong to be angry?

No. No, it's not wrong.

It's OKAY to be angry/sad/upset over something. It's OKAY to wish for better. If we did not, how would we ever move forward in our lives? Strive for a brighter future?

If anyone ever tells you that YOUR problems are not "problematic" enough, that you don't have the right to be upset/sad/angry, then they are not worth your time.

It's when those feelings overwealm your good sense and prevent you from moving forward that they become a problem.

And with a new found sense of stability, I resumed my walk, heading home.

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