Monday, May 28, 2012

Let Go

Let go. Do it. Try it out. You'll thank me.

Many of us, including myself, have a hard time doing so. We hold on tight to a multitude of things, be they fear, anger, worry, desperation. We hold onto material things. We hold onto relationships. We hold onto things that we do not need to be holding onto.

We hold on because we care too much. And in the end, it will only bring about our own demise, as we fight so hard for others.

Stop worrying. Yes, it's hard. You can tell me, but I *have* to worry about this. No. You don't. You can think, you can plan, you can analyze, problem solve. Don't *worry* about it. Worrying over things is no different than a dog gnawing ineffectively on a bone. Are you making a dent? Not ususally.

Stop being angry. Let it go. What good does it do *you* to be angry at someone? As a wise person once said:

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.  ~Buddha

 Makes sense, doesn't it? What harm befalls the person/object/situation if you are *angry* at it? Nothing. It only harms you. Again: think, analyze, plan, solve.

Stop being afraid. This one even I struggle with, if you can believe it. I am afraid of several things, things that are a different level. If I allowed it, fear would overcome my life and render me useless. So, when I can, I let go of fear. If I can do it, you can. Will it be easy? It never is.

Stop trying to fix everyone around you. Stop trying to save everything around you. These ones I fight with the most. Too often I feel called to save one more thing, one more animal, one more person. I put myself on the line for them. I expend energy, both physical and mental, in efforts to "rescue" one more soul.

We cannot save everyone and everything. We must learn to let go when it is appropriate. We must remember that *we* come first. It is *not* your responsibility to make everyone around you happy. The only person that you can truly influence on your own is yourself. The other person must *choose* to change themselves. Sometimes we can help. Often times...we cannot.

So let go. Remove the burden from your shoulders, even for just a little while.


You'll notice the new addition of a "Donation" button. I have added it in the hopes of offsetting some of the running costs of everything I do and use to continue my work, be it online, web design, art, farm, etc. No one ever needs to donate, but it is welcome.

Thanks! -Epona

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