Sunday, March 14, 2010


Funny how someone else's mistake can come to haunt you.

You may recall we recently bought this house. We closed in October.

Last night, hubby brought home a "Final Notice" from the county, stating there were back property taxes due, and if they were not paid in 30 days, they were filing suit and auctioning off the property.

Well that's a real kick in the teeth. As you can imagine we became very upset and I really dived into it. I looked up our property online, and sure enough, the property taxes have not been paid since 2003.

How ridiculous is that?

So here we are, thinking we're going to lose the house and everything we worked for. We certainly do NOT have the amount owed.

I broke out our settlement papers, and sure enough, on the Deed of Trust, it says Lein(s): NONE.

The mortgage company has made a very big mistake.

Now the question is, will they fix it?

We'll be finding out tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I will be praying for you...Hope you can get it straightened out!
