Monday, February 8, 2010


Boy its been a rough few days.

First, we get slapped with a nasty rainstorm. It clears up for a couple of REALLY NICE days, then bang! Rain again!

Seeing as my roof STILL leaks, you can imagine I'm not too pleased about it. And the goats even less so. I always feel so bad because they have a pretty crappy shelter. It works, they stay dry and out of the wind, but they still deserve better. And soon they'll have it, with a much larger pasture to boot.

Everyone is doing great, the cocci treatment went well and everyone seems to be growing in leaps in bounds. Baby especially. She is much larger than Hope's twins and is nearly as large as one of my weaned doelings, although dear Isis is from a VERY small doe and will likely grow to be my smallest doe, even smaller than Rudy.

Speaking of cocci medicine. To anyone who owns animals, you know better than to taste something unidentified right?

Well poor husband goes digging through the cabinets, and finds the bottle of mixed cocci medicine.

And takes a taste!

What a goofball! He was quite displeased, and I just told him, "Well, at least now you won't have cocci, right?"

That and who the heck drinks something that's sitting next to the goat's Power Punch, Nutri-Drench, Pro-bios, Corid, and dewormer?


Other than that, things are going by the usual way. We are feeling a little pinched, but we're making it and in time it will ease up I think. I wish I could help my poor brother find a job, but until we get a second vehicle and he gets his license, his options are pretty limited right now. I know how tough it is to be sitting around not contributing, but he's done a real good job helping around the house, pulling up old tack strip and helping me get some other stuff done as well.

All things, in time.

I've started working on a short story, perhaps I will post it here. Would you just be interested in reading? I once really aspired to be a novelist, I even wrote several well done (for my age anyways) novels before they became lost.

It's fiction, and about a wolf family, so I don't know how interesting that would be to you guys. Let me know.

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