Monday, February 22, 2010


I'm forever trying to think of new topics for this blog, so people won't become bored. Not that very many read it to begin with of course, but its not really here for people to read.

Or is it!


How many of you have had hobbies that you let fall by the wayside? I mean serious hobbies, not little things.

I used to be a major "gamer." I was on top of all the hottest games and knew my way around them. I was good! I loved video games and enjoyed playing, many times for hours upon end.

As time went by, I found I played less and less. My eyesight is part of that I think, but it will often happen that I'll get a game I was looking forward too, perhaps play for a while, and then just not have the motivation to continue.

The most recent game was World of Warcraft. I started playing last year and man did I get into it. They didn't joke when they call it addicting. I played for a long time, then took a long break during our move, then played again for a while.

Then just stopped again. I was bored. Still am, although I may try to move my "character" to a different server where my dad and brother play, and see if that makes a difference.

Who knows?

I'm known for picking up interests, trying them out, and dropping them when I figured out it wasn't for me. There's only a few interests I've kept my hands on: computers, video games, reading, and goats.

But I've done everything from rock collecting (still have most!) to raising show rats. I enjoyed them while I was taking part, but always in time I would grow weary of it and know it's not something I would like to do forever.

How about you?


  1. I've played MMO's too. Played FFXI for years then switched to WoW for years. i was never actually GOOD at them but i do love my computer games. I think I often made up in enthusiasm what i lacked in skill. lol.

    I just don't have the desire to play them as much as i used to because I'm busy doing other things. they sure did keep me occupied during a time in my life when i didn't have anything else to do and i am glad for that.

  2. When I was a teen I had a horse, and I LOVED doing the 4H and the shows and just the riding in general. I also have always enjoyed swimming :)

    I scrapbook now. I haven't actually scrapbooked in a long while, but I have gone for long periods of time before and then jumped right back into it and enjoyed myself.

    I also read. A LOT.

    And then there is the goaties. I just got them last May, but I love them, and hope to have them the rest of my life :)

  3. Those are great! I may try to get back into some video games, but the time constraints are killer sometimes.

    Busy busy days!
