Saturday, February 6, 2010


Today, instead of boring you to death, I will delight and amuse you by providing a link to my Youtube channel.

Please forgive the quality on the first few videos, those were taken with my crappy camera. The newer ones were taken with my brother's nice video camera, which I have officially "stolen" for my own use.

The Goat Whisperer's Youtube

Try not to laugh too hard when you watch "Being Chased by a Goat" eh?


  1. The videos are just too delightful.

  2. Sorry, but I laughed really hard... because I've done it before. A few times. lol

    Thanks for the link :D

  3. It's alright, I laughed too, once I turned the camera off. Did you see Baby's face? She was like, "What'd you do that for?"
