Friday, February 5, 2010


Just a basic update on the usuals.

No more information about the bad breeder as of right. I'm waiting to hear back from the person trying to get her deposit back for the pig. We'll see what happens here shortly in the future.

The internet company sure took me on a round ride. Recently we upgraded to a higher service. Well we started having problems, as outlined in earlier blogs, and it took me around six phone calls to get it worked out. I finally had to go three supervisors up and demand answers.

The end result was we were knocked back down to our recent status, as apparently we are "too far" to get the higher service. Sure would have been nice if they had told us this when we upgraded. It was a huge ordeal and I made it very clear that we were NOT happy with the service they had been providing, especially customer service.

Then they tried to convince me to upgrade to television along with my internet and phone.


Cocci treatment is going well, Baby's slight diarrhea seems to have cleared up and none of the others ever showed any signs. Baby prefers to spit her medicine out (I have to put it in her bottle) but the rest, including Hope's two boys and the two weanling does, will drink the stuff straight out of the cup if I let them. Little strange weirdos.

I am really seeing an improvement in Rudy and Hope from the copper bolus I administered in December. Their coats are shinier, hooves have improved, and there is a definite drop in parasite load, not only using the FAMANCHA system but via veterinary fecals. I am really pleased, and thankful for my friend who sold me a few capsules of copasure to try it out. I plan on bolusing every six months, as well as continuing to have free choice mineral available from them.

So far we've not had a problem with Selenium, but our pregnant females do get a Selenium boost shortly before kidding.

I've learned I can put just about anything in a marshmallow, and my goats will eat it. Even Hallie, our wild rescue doe, took copper when it was folded into a marshmallow. Granted, I had to shove it into the back of her mouth while she was in the milk stand.

Baby is learning about hay and grain. I'm not sure if she is actually eating either, or just picking it up and mouthing it before dropping it, but her milk consumption has dropped a little. She continues to grow and is larger than Hope's twins, despite being a day younger.

To change the subject once again.

Anyone who knows me in the online world knows that I delight in gossip, but keep myself out of "drama" the best I can. Recently, the person who left our online game (see an earlier blog) has joined another game. Which I'm completely fine with, people have the free will to do whatever they please. What got me was that another friend, the leader of this game, actually laughed at us because we had posted a short blurb wishing the first friend well and hoping she would return to our game someday (when she first left).

How rude is that? And childish I might add. Goes to show you how true some "friends" can really be.

I'm not letting it bother me, because it's a ridiculous thing to be bothered over. I was just thoughtful, and it reminded me to always keep a wary eye on those you deem "friends." Even if you bend over backwards for someone trying to help them, it doesn't mean they appreciate the gesture.

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