Wednesday, February 3, 2010

More on the "Bad Breeder"

I've been trying to help this poor soul out, the one who put a deposit on a pig, and who is now being turned away from getting it.

To follow are some of the e-mails I have received.

We haven't heard back from the grandparents. But I am 98% sure we will be driving to liberty this weekend, Saturday. To ask for the pig or 300 dollars back.. I just think its insane to even be having to go to such an extent... I have texted her,called and emailed several times voicing my opinion on her "business". But no replies,of course.
I'm just really curious and worried of the condition the pig will be in, being it weighs 5 ounces and is located in the back of a tralior during winter is very scary!!

I'm now just starting to question if it is even worth going to. Or if I should just leave it alone and forget about it. Because I'm starting to worry ill get the pig And it will get huge!!

I will be posting one tonight. Another red flag is not a single pig has been sold or even had a down payment placed on any since my purchase was made. She claimed they sold terribly fast and needed my money right away but all are still remaining.
She also claims mine will only be 25 pounds, I can only hope that IA true.

I finally got a response from her via email, it was a lengthy letter I
sent her. All that I received back was "this is the first email i've
got". Nothing explaining my ignored calls, when I can get the pig, not
explanation on why my date is continuously being pushed back. She is

Well, I did it! And she now
is not allowing me to come to the farm, she saying she will meet me
somewhere! This is all to odd for me, I cant help but wonder WHY am I
not allowed there?
absolutely mind blowing.

Oh my word, now she took back
me being able to meet her, because her mother found out cancer is
spreading through her body! This is insane!

Well, she just said she may not be able to meet me cause the cancer AND her grandpa is in the hospital! This is unbelievable

I am loling as well, just so blown away I have to laugh.. she said she has not replied to my text because she lost her cell phone charger!! Such a lie!

I've left out my replies, simply due to the amount of information I've given to this poor soul, and it would be difficult to edit it all out. Needless to say, this poor lady is not getting anywhere at the moment, either to get her money back or the pig.

I have of course, provided information that I have from my ordeal with this breeder, along with suggestions on her best course of action. I have suggested getting the law enforcement involved even, because this is becoming ridiculous. I really feel for this person and am sorry they are having to go through the same thing, only worse it seems.

With luck, one way or another it will be resolved soon, and I will be releasing the name and location of this "breeder" so all who Google it will come across this and KNOW not to buy from her.

Some people may think it's harsh, but I have no remorse for scammers. I suppose this comes from a long association in the reptile world, where we deal with a large amount of scammers and we have a huge, very popular, forum dedicated to uncovering them and calling them out. It's helped solve a lot of problems and is an invaluable resource.

Reptile Board of Inquiry

It just chaps my hide that people like this are allowed to operate, but what can you do really? I'm against more government interference, so that leaves it to us, other breeders, to call these people out on their lies. It's also up to the buyer, to do their research before hand.

As to the farm here, Hallie is no longer limping! That was a rather quick turn around. We're still continuing the treatment of course, but we're glad to see her recover swiftly from it. No one likes to see an animal in pain around here.

We've also started the little ones, including our newly acquired weaned doelings, on a cocci treatment. We've had a lot of nasty wet weather lately, and since the expansion isn't quite finished and they're in the small pen, better safe than sorry. We look forward to finishing the large pen and seeing them enjoy all of their new space.

As for our internet, we called again today. Someone was supposed to come out (charging us a ridiculous amount of money as well) and fix this. And guess what! No one showed up!

Who's surprised? Not me of course.

I felt bad for the poor guy I got on the phone today and I'll feel bad for the poor fellow I get tomorrow, but this is just ridiculous. I don't pay for internet that doesn't work properly, you know.

Before I go, I'll let you in on a little secret. I've been helping a wonderful lady with her website. And in return, I just might be getting some lovely registered Nigerians in return. She has bucks from GREAT milk lines, so as you can imagine, I'm pretty excited.


  1. If you lived in PA, I could most certainly tell you who the bad breeder with all the family cancer was. That seems to be a pretty popular excuse for scam artists nowadays. @@ Pathetic what people will do to make a buck.

    Congrats on the possibility of new ND bloodlines though! I love me some ND babies :D

  2. Oh yes, it's in the Scammer Handbook. We ALWAYS see it on the reptile forums. We're trying very hard to get a solution for this poor lady.

    Yes I'm very excited about the NDs. I've also got my eye on some others. After our tax return I will have a little money just for adding new goats
